
Saturday 30 March 2013

Photo A Day Challenge! April 2013


Hi there! Glad to see you've decided to join us in our photo a day: April challenge!

It's easy as pie guys! Take a peek at the list above! There's a prompt for each day in April so just follow along day by day.
What do the prompts mean?
 Pretty self explanatory but I'll give you some examples. Take Day 1: for instance, the prompt is smile! Nice way to start off the month, we'd love to see a picture of your beautiful smile! Day 20? Filter! Come on instagramers you know what I'm talking about! What's your favourite filter? I know mine! ;)
What do I do once I've taken the photo?
Share it with us! Guys and gals we'd love to see your pics! Give us a shout out on Instagram with the hash tag #WLSPHOTOADAY so we can take a peek at your inspiring and creative snap shots! We're also over on Pinterest! Don't forget to take a look at our pics on:

♥Lauren: xJustAddGlitterx ♥Shannon: itsnotdenial
Where can I play?
Instagram: Upload you pic give it a little pizazz with one of the many filters, add a caption example: Day 1: Smile... My smiles a little goofy :P and don't forget to add the #WLSPHOTOADAY
Facebook: Go ahead and like or page post to our wall or tag us with @whole lotta sparkle
Blog: Share your pics on your own blog! Send us a shout out so that we can take a peek!
Tumblr: Have a Tumblr? Awesome! Post em up!
Twitter: Again go ahead and upload just make sure to use the hash tag #WLSPHOTOADAY
Pinterest: Make a board! Go pin crazy! Check out ours while your there!

Make sure you don't forget the prompts!
Snap a screen shot of the prompt list and upload it to your Instagram, Blog, Twitter... Save a picture to your desktop! As your phone home screen! Print it out! Anything that will give you a reminder.
So while there aren't "Rules" here's a few tips to help you get your creativity flowing! Remember interpret it as you will we'd love to see what inspires you. Missed a day? No sweat just post double the next day or triple the day after, bulk post at the end of the month just don't give up!
  1. Smile... Come on guys and gals show us a snapshot of your beautiful smiling faces!
  2. A is for... Take a pic of something starting with A
  3. Purple... I love my purple shoes.
  4. Weather... Your perfect day? What's the weather like right now?
  5. Hobby... Come on we all have them.
  6. Over... the rainbow? Come on guys get creative!
  7. Love... A person? A pet? A song?
  8. Bucket List... That one thing you've always wanted to do.
  9. Open... Door? Window? Maybe it's a flower just starting to bloom.
  10. Song... What's your favourite?
  11. Left... To the left to left...
  12. Life... It's everywhere! Snap a picture of it!
  13. Toy... Did you keep you favourite childhood toy? Or maybe you have a new one!
  14. Read... What are you currently reading could be a book, a sign, the newspaper?
  15. Shadow... Unless your a vampire you'll have one of these
  16. World at your feet... Whats under your feet?
  17. Home... is where the heart is.
  18. Little things... Enjoy the little things in life.
  19. Believe... What do you believe in?
  20. Filter... Come on instagramers share your favourite filter with us
  21. Outside the box... Get really creative! Take a photo of something unusual!/
  22. Guilty pleasure... What's yours? What song/movie/habit won't you admit to
  23. Sweet... Like candy.
  24. Sour... Food... Expression... Mood :( ?
  25. Change... In your pocket? Something you wish you could change? something you are changing?
  26. Relax... Take a deep breath and let it out.
  27. Memory... An old photo? A shot of a cherished memory?
  28. Graffiti... Out on the street? on your notebook?
  29. Clothing... What is your outfit of the day!
  30. Fairytale... Your favourite?

Pintrest / Bloglovin' / Facebook

Instagram (Shannon) / Instagram (Lauren)

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